Welcome to my lair!

This is a digital mirror of my bedroom and what is near it.

The bedroom

It is in the second floor of a department, near the center of a block, about 4 km away of the beach.

It has a plastic floating floor, brick walls painted white, and wooden ceiling. Two windows point to the East and the South.


There isn't much to say about it. I sleep there. It will serve as a landmark in this place.

Bookshelf next to bed

It is fairly new. I paid have of its value using points assigned by the company I work at. They haven't given me any more points for anything better since then.

Most of it is occupied by manga. There are also some boardgames with little use.

Shelf above the bed

Some more manga, books and several toys, cards and dice.

Bookshelf on the corner

One of the oldest pieces of furniture in the here.

Even more manga. Most of them are also older that the rest and are the first ones I started collecting more than 10 years ago.

There are also more books: novels, anthologies and dictionaries. I haven't read half of them.

Desk in front of the bed

The desktop computer is there.

A ladder

It leads to the attic…

The stairs

It leads to the first floor…

Undefined reflections

What lays in corners of my room, and outside of it, is still not clear enough in this mirror. Once it is clear, those places will appear in here.



The Home page has the mirror added. Previous content removed.

About, Uses and Now pages were created.


First update: changed the index and ccs files.

Added pizza.


Created my neocities account.